Story of the Copper Coast Geopark
Our Organisation
The Copper Coast Geopark is a largely voluntary community organisation.
It is a Company Limited by Guarantee, with Charitable Status. We operate as a non-profit social enterprise dedicated to community development through promotion of sustainable tourism and the development of productive partnerships. The Board is made up of directors from the local community as well as valued members from further afield with varied expertise and experience. The Geopark employs a Manager/geologist, a visitor centre Manager and a part time administration assistant . They are backed up by a local management team, several voluntary guides and workers from FAS and TUS Governance.

Learn about the connected geological, historical and cultural heritage of our area.
Our History
The Purchase

Management and Governance of the Copper Coast UNESCO Global Geopark
Dr. Richard Unitt (Chairperson),
Dr Sarah Gatley,
Donal O’Brien,
Breda Colfer.
Registered Office
Copper Coast Geopark Ltd., Monksland Centre, Knockmahon, Bunmahon, Co. Waterford, Ireland Registered in Ireland no. 387875. Charity no. CHY16500
Our Supporters
To date we have been greatly assisted by modest financial backing from Waterford City and County Council and the Geological Survey of Ireland and their practical and moral support in many different ways.